Extracurricular Activities

1. Información específica Prácticas Extracurriculares

Las Prácticas Extracurriculares son aquellas que los estudiantes podrán realizar con carácter voluntario durante su periodo de formación y que, aun teniendo los mismos fines que las prácticas curriculares, no forman parte del correspondiente plan de estudios.

De manera general:

  • Tendrán una duración preferentemente no superior al 50% del curso académico.
  • El alumno deberá desarrollar en ellas las tareas y competencias que correspondan a su programa de estudios y cumplir con las características de cada programa.
  • La Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (Puerto Rico) NO contempla la posibilidad de prácticas extracurriculares.

2. Reconocimiento/Convalidación de PPS

  • Los créditos de las PPS extracurriculares no son susceptibles de convalidación/reconocimiento.

3. Realización de las PPS

3.1 Contexto de realización de prácticas

Cada universidad cuenta con convenios para la realización de prácticas en centros localizados en su país. Estos centros se ponen a disposición de los alumnos interesados. No obstante, teniendo en cuenta la diversidad de países y localidades de procedencia de los estudiantes, se le ofrece al alumno la posibilidad de contactar con un centro cercano a su lugar de residencia y que cumpla los requisitos señalados para la realización de las prácticas. Para ambos casos, la universidad en la que esté matriculado el alumno y el centro de prácticas deberán de firmar un convenio de colaboración educativa y su respectivo anexo con el fin de que el alumno pueda llevar a cabo sus prácticas en un centro autorizado por la universidad.

3.2 Estructura y Organización

Las prácticas presenciales supervisadas se organizan en las siguientes etapas:

3.2.1 Etapa previa

El alumno, en caso de no poder beneficiarse de los convenios de colaboración educativa existentes entre su universidad y diversas instituciones, con ayuda del Departamento de Coordinación de Prácticas de la universidad, deberá contactar con una institución para poder realizarlas.

Para poder establecer una relación con posibles instituciones donde el alumno tenga interés y pueda realizar las prácticas, el alumno puede utilizar la/s Carta/s de Presentación, a nombre de la/s universidad/es, donde se informa al centro sobre el contenido de las prácticas académicas y sus características, así como las implicaciones que tendría su colaboración:

Contacte con el Dep. de Prácticas para conocer cuáles son las tareas, competencias y características de las PPS que deberán cumplir en sus prácticas extracurriculares.

Once the student has come to an agreement with an institution for the development of the internship, the student should send to the Internship International Department of the University or Universities that certifies the studies, the application form of the internship institution

NOTE: In order to know what arethe universities that certify your program, consult the PANAL (Academic Record) When the International Internship Department has finished the review of all the documentation and once the approval of the internship institution is granted, the student will be notified in order to proceed with the signature of the collaboration agreement and its corresponding Appendix. If necessary, the collaboration agreement can be signed by the institution and the university. Moreover, depending on the country in which the student is to do the internship and the legislation in force in such territory, the student will have to submit the additional documentation required by the country’s legislation in force. Below, some details on the additional documentation required by some countries are specified: Students enrolled in the European University of the Atlantic
Students enrolled in the European University of the Atlantic
Students doing the internship in Spanish territory Students of official degrees younger than 28 years old The University’s school Insurance protects them, so they will not have to provide any additional documents.
Students of official degrees older than 28 years old They should formalize an accident insurance in order to be able to do the internship. Proof of this insurance will be required by the university before beginning the internship.
Students of any age enrolled in a university’s specific program: They should formalize an accident insurance in order to be able to do the internship. Proof of this insurance will be required by the university before beginning the internship.
Students doing the internship abroad Students of any age and any degree: They should formalize an accident insurance in case the legislation in force in the country in which the student is to do the internship. As well, students should comply with the legislation in force regarding doing an internship in the corresponding country. Students enrolled in the International Iberoamerican University (Puerto Rico)
Students enrolled in the International Iberoamerican University (Puerto Rico)
Students doing the internship in Puerto Rican territory All students
  • 2 Photographs 2×2
  • Negative certificate of criminal records (it can be requested in the police station or through Internet)
  • Certification of Ley 300 (it can be requested in the police station)
  • Affidavit of knowledge of the sexual harassment law
Additional requirements for internships in Healthcare Centers
  • Health certificate
  • HIPAA Certification (must be offered by certified personnel).
  • Vaccines for hepatitis B, chickenpox and influenza
  • Throat culture
Additional requirements for internships in Naturopathy Centers
  • Health certificate
  • HIPAA Certification (must be offered by certified personnel).


Students doing the internship abroad All students They should formalize an accident insurance in case the legislation in force in the country in which the student is to do the internship. As well, students should comply with the legislation in force regarding doing an internship in the corresponding country. Students enrolled in the International Iberomerican University (Mexico)
Students enrolled in the International Iberomerican University (Mexico)
Students doing the internship in Puerto Rican territory All students There are no additional requirements. In case they are necessary, the student will be informed by the university or internship institution.
Students doing the internship abroad All students They should formalize an accident insurance in case the legislation in force in the country in which the student is to do the internship. As well, students should comply with the legislation in force regarding doing an internship in the corresponding country.

NOTE: Universities reserve the right to modify the requirements according to the changes in the legislation in force that may occur. Once the Internship Department has registered the required documentation, the student can continue the internship process in the Institution.

3.2.2. Development stage

During this stage, the student must do the internship in the chosen institution. In most programs, the classroom-based hours in the collaborating institution are estimated to be 120 hours and some additional hours dedicated to the development of of the Internship’s Final Report. However, some programs include a different classroom-based number of hours. Review this information regarding your program in the section ‘Specific information on the program’. During this stage, the student makes the internship hours in the collaborating center, therefore complying with the regulations of the University and the Institution, hence, the structure and organization will depend on the area allocated for the development of the internship. The internship must be supervised and the student must have the support of an assigned tutor in the internship institution, who is the same person that should subsequently fill in an evaluation report. The internship schedule must have been previously specified with the institution. The schedule will be established taking into account the characteristics of the internship and the availability of the internship institution. Efforts will be made to ensure that they are compatible with the academic, training, representation and participation activity developed by the student at the University.

3.2.3. Internship evaluation

The final internship report is a document written by the student, which aims to systematize and reflect on the experience lived in the institution. The structure of the document should follow the Final Internship Report Template and must not exceed 25 pages length for all programs, except for the health area programs with case studies, for which the maximum length is 35 pages (longer final internship reports will not be accepted). The number of pages does not include bibliographical references or appendixes.

NOTE: Those final internship reports that include images or videos of minors must be accompanied by the consent of their parents/guardians

Once the classroom-based internship hours have been completed, the student must submit the final internship report within a maximum period of 15 days to the Internship International Department and the following documents duly completed:

Then, the Internship Committee will proceed with the final evaluation basing on the following weighting:

  • The Final Internship Report developed by the student: 70% of the final grade.
  • The Evaluation Report of the Collaborative Institution’s Tutor: 30% of the final grade.

The final grade will be notified to the student through the Template of the university’s tutor report and will be registered in the student’s academic record within a maximum period of one month.

4. SWP’s Frequently Asked Questions

4.1. Where to start with the SWP

It is recommended that students read the specific information to their program, for they will find there the internship characteristics (tasks and responsibilities, hours, etc.) and the Cover Letters that Universities make available for them to ease the search for the internship’s institution.

Many programs consider the acknowledgment/recognition of the internship basing on the professional experience. In this case, in section 1.3 Recognition/Acknowledgment, included in 01. Specific Information on the program, you will find the minimum time required to be able to apply for recognition. And in the section “Recognition/Acknowledgment of the Internship” it is described how to carry out this process and the form which must be filled in by the company/s is included.

In the event that the student opts for the Internship Development, the student must continue reading the corresponding section and, with enough time, start the procedures for the signing of the Internship Agreement and its Appendix (signing is made by the Internship Institution, the University and the Student) to be able to do the internship in the required time.

4.2. What is the university or universities that certify my program?

The place to consult the university/ies or other data on the program is the PANAL.

4.3. If I have questions about the SWP, whom do I contact?

In the FAQ section you will find the most common doubts for many students. If you do not find the answer to your query, remember that any question relating to the Supervised professional internships (SPI) or to its management should be consulted with the International Internship Department of the University that certifies your program.

5. Contact

To resolve your doubts, concerns or to carry out the process of the Supervised professional internships (SPI), you may contact through the following form:

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